the role of microorganisms in coal mining

Biotechnology of Microorganisms from Coal Environments: From ...

2022.9.2  On this basis, the main aspects of coal microbiology involve substrates (coal, lignite, low-rank coal, soil, flue gas, and heavy metals), microorganisms (bacteria, microalgae, fungi, and microbial diversity), processes (biodegradation,


Sources and succession of microorganisms in industrial coal

2023.6.15  A variety of indigenous microorganisms in the raw coal and mine water can enter the flotation system and carry out succession, which affects coal flotation.


(PDF) Role of Microorganisms in Mining: Generation of

2002.1.1  The role of microorganisms in the generation of ARD and their role in the methods used for prevention, control and treatment


Microorganisms and their application in mining and allied

2023.1.1  Moving closer to the environment and minimize the potential risks of mining, Microorganisms play a significant role in curbing these harmful effects.


Coal Mining Activities Driving the Changes in Microbial

2022.10.16  Coal mining can cause groundwater pollution, and microorganism may reflect/affect its hydrochemical characteristics, yet little is known about the


(PDF) Biotechnology of Microorganisms from Coal

2022.9.2  During surface coal mining, soils/rocks are removed and deposited as “spoil heaps”, which are exposed to runoff, infiltration, acidification, and even spontaneous self-combustion.


Role of microorganisms in rehabilitation of mining sites,

2019.10.1  Microorganisms play a key role in biogeochemical cycles controlling metals and metalloids fate and behavior in polluted environments. Some


Microorganisms Special Issue : Microorganisms around Coal

Coal mines offer habits for a large diversity of microorganism. These microbes play an essential role in many geochemical cycles around coal mine, such as sulfur and


Biotechnology of Microorganisms from Coal

2022.9.2  Biotechnology of Microorganisms from Coal Environments: From Environmental Remediation to Energy Production by Nuraly S. Akimbekov 1,*, Ilya Digel 2, Kuanysh T. Tastambek 3,4,5, Adel


Mutual Effects of Temperature and Microorganisms on the

This study investigated a typical minefield in north China and performed the water–rock (coal) incubation experiments to explore the effect of temperature and microorganisms
