hematite structure

Hematite - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

Hematite (α-Fe 2 O 3, the “α-” is omitted henceforth) has the corundum crystal structure, with lattice constants of a = 504 pm and c = 1375 pm. 1 In this structure, layers of


Hematite – Virtual Museum of Molecules and Minerals

Hematite is an iron-oxide mineral of the Oxides and Hydroxides group, with structural formula [alpha-Fe 2 O 3 ]. The structure is similar to that of corundum, and consists


Hematite Definition, Uses, Facts Britannica

1998.7.20  Hematite, heavy and relatively hard oxide mineral, ferric oxide, that constitutes the most important iron ore because of


Hematite Mineral Data

Chemical Formula: Fe2O3 Composition: Molecular Weight = 159.69 gm Iron 69.94 % Fe 100.00 % Fe 2 O 3 Oxygen 30.06 % O ______ ______ 100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL


mp-19770: Fe2O3 (trigonal, R-3c, 167) - Materials Project

mp-19770: Fe2O3 (trigonal, R-3c, 167) Browse many computed properties for this trigonal Fe2O3 compound, including formation energy from the elements, energy of


Atomic-Scale Structure of the Hematite α-Fe2O3(11̅02)

2017.12.8  In bulk hematite, spin-up and spin-down iron atoms are antiferromagnetically ordered along [0001] and ferromagnetically coupled in each (0001) layer. In the (11̅02) planes, this results in


Crystal structures of (a) hematite and (b) magnetite.

Maghemite has a spinel structure that is similar to that of magnetite but with vacancies in the cation sublattice. Two-thirds of the sites are filled with Fe (III) ions arranged regularly, with...


A review of the α-Fe2O3 (hematite) nanotube structure:

2020.4.27  α-Fe2O3 nanotubes are exceptional one-dimensional transition metal oxide materials with low density, large surface area, promising electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties, which
